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Downloadable FREE Resources:

Break free from worry & rumination!

This workbook has been crafted to help cultivate mindfulness and find joy in the present moment, leading to decreased stress and enhanced wellbeing.

By the end of this challenge, you'll have the tools and mindset needed to live with intention, embrace the present moment and create a brighter future.


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The Ultimate 30-Day Planner!
Unlock your full potential and achieve your goals with our 30-Day Ultimate Planner!

Designed to empower you to take control of your life, this comprehensive planner provides everything you need to make the next month your best ever. From daily goal-setting and habit tracking to reflection prompts and progress assessments, each page is meticulously crafted to guide you on your journey to success.

Whether you're striving for personal growth, professional development, or simply seeking balance in your life, the 30-Day Ultimate Planner is your roadmap to realising your dreams. Get ready to transform your life, one day at a time

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Useful Resources 

Dawn Kett Therapy

Book an appointment/Contact me:​
To schedule either a free consultation or an initial assessment, please contact me either by phone, email me on or by completing the form below. 

The information you provide will not be shared with any other parties.  I aim to get back to you within one working day.



Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. View Full Disclaimer.  

Dawn Kett - Private CBT Practice. 
Explore specialised CBT therapy options, designed to tackle anxiety, whether you prefer in-person sessions or remote. My services are geared towards adults and young people aged 16 and above.



        Covering St Albans, Marshalswick & Wheathampstead in person and Remote across England

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